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Term Definitions
Alexa What is an "Alexa"?
Arduino system What is an "Arduino system"?
automation What is "automation"?
Bluetooth What is "Bluetooth"?
centralised smart home system What is a "centralised smart home system"?
cloud What is a "cloud"?
control tool What is a "control tool"?
data What is "data"?
data protection Or data security.
decentralised smart home system What is a "decentralised smart home system"?
encryption What is "encryption"?
fall detector What is a "fall detector"?
heart monitoring bracelet What is a "heart monitoring bracelet"?
interactive device What is an "interactive device"?
Interface What is an "Interface"?
Internet of Things (IoT) What is the "Internet of Things"?
KNX system What is a "KNX-system"?
media library What is a "media library"?
network A network is the connection of (for example) smart home devices and computers.
router A router is a device that connects your computer, smartphone etc. with the internet.
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